Your task in this experiment will involve judging the relatedness of pairs of concepts. In making these types of judgements, there are several ways to think about the items being judged. For instance, two concepts might be related because they share common features or because they frequently occur together. While this kind of detailed analysis is possible, our concern is to obtain your initial impression of "overall relatedness." Therefore, please base your ratings on your first impression of relatedness. ^ Each pair of concepts will be presented on the screen along with a "relatedness" scale. You are to indicate your judgement of relatedness for each pair by pressing a key on the keyboard. If you feel that the concepts are not related at all press "1" on the keyboard. If you feel the concepts are highly related you would press an "8" or a "9". You can think of these numbers as points along a "relatedness" scale, with higher numbers representing greater relatedness. Upon responding, a bar marker will move directly above the number you pressed. If you wish to change your response, simply press another number. When you are satisfied with the rating you have given, press the SPACE BAR to enter your response. Following this, the next pair of items to be rated will be displayed. ^ Several pairs of concepts will be shown. If at any time you feel like taking a break tell the experimenter you are doing so and leave the machine running with the disk in it. Now the complete list of concepts will be presented. This is done to give you a general idea of the scope of the concepts you will be rating. ^