²Õ´¦æ¬°¬ã¨s¤u§@§{  SEM ¸É¥R¸ê®Æ (SEM demos for OBRM Workshop)


l  2011 SEM Workshop Information
1. Simplis
The assessment of the validity of constructs)


l  * ¥»¯¸LISREL¬ÛÃöµe­±»P°Ó¼Ð¡AÄÝSSI©Ò¦³¡AAmos¬ÛÃöµe­±»P°Ó¼Ð¡AÄÝSPSS©Ò¦³ *


l  ½d¨ÒÀÉ®× (Demo files)

?  Amos ¾Þ§@¥Ü½d§ë¼v¤ù¤U¸ü(Handout for Amos demo)

?  Depress.zip ÀɮפU¸ü (Depress.zip used in the demo)

?  Depress.zip ÀÉ®×»¡©ú: Depress15.sav ¬°SPSS dataÀɮסA¥]§tSelf-esteem 5 ÃD¡ADepress 4 ÃD¡AImpulsive 3 ÃD¡C self, depres, impuls ¬°«e­z¤Tºc©À¦UÃD¥Ø¤§¥­§¡­È¡C¦¹Àɮ׬°LISRELºô¯¸½d¨Ò¸ê®ÆÀÉ¡A¥H¤U¥Ü½d¬Ò±Ä¥Î¦¹Àɮ׶i¦æ¡C

?  Depress.zip contains 4 LISREL syntax files (.lpj) and 1 SPSS data file ( Depress15.sav has 5 Self-esteem items, 4 Depress items, 3 Impulsive items.  self, depres, and impuls are the means of the above 3 constructs). This data file is an example provided by the LISREL website.


l  SEM ¾Þ§@¥Ü½d¼v¤ù   <§Q¥Î¥k¤W¨¤ Description: Description: Description: C:\Users\T41\Desktop\1.JPG¹Ï¥Ü¥i¥þ¿Ã¹õ¼½©ñ,¶È¨Ñºô¤WÆ[¬Ý,¤£´£¨Ñ¤U¸ü>
SEM demos (Video clips, click the
Description: Description: Description: C:\Users\T41\Desktop\1.JPG to switch to the full-screen mode)
You may need to install powercam player to watch the demo 

l  ¡@


n  Data Management
Converting SPSS data with missing values into PRELIS system file (.psf) or LISREL data system file (.dsf)
J Listwise deletion method
J Multiple imputation method

n  CFAs & Full Model (Based on the LISREL example from the SSI website)
J Creating depress15.dsf for LISREL analyses
J Scaling latent variables by fixing PH
J Scaling latent variables by fixing LX
J Discriminant validity between SE and IMP
J Full Model (DPàSE & DPàIMP)
J LISREL and SIMPLIS syntax files of the above models


?  Amos

n  Observed Variable Path Analysis

n  Confirmatory Factor Analysis

n  Testing mediation effect with bootstrapping

n        J Bootstrapping in Amos
(Reference: Cheung, G. W., & Lau, R. S. (2008). Testing mediation and suppression effects of latent variables: Bootstrapping with structural equation models. Organizational Research Methods, 11, 296-325.)



