Study of Relationship of preschool institution's Brand Management, Brand Marketing, and Brand Equity
main purpose of this study was to understand contents and present situations of preschool institution's brand management, brand marketing, and brand equity. Also, it was aimed to study the relationship of the previously stated three factors and make some suggestions based on the results of this study.
Firstly, through literature reviews, a framework was developed to provide a theoretical basis for this study. Also, interviews were held on 10 subjects, including experts, kindergarten principals, education administrative personnel, and kindergarten teachers, from Keelung city. By means of expert effectiveness test, a questionnaire was designed. A total of 359 questionnaires were sent to subjects who lived in Keelung city and 252 of them were returned. Based on the statistical analysis of the previously stated returned questionnaires, some conclusions and suggestions were put forward.
Some findings of this study were as follows:
1. The present situations of preschool institution's brand management, brand marketing, and brand equity
(1) Preschool institution's brand management got an above average mark; therefore, there was room for improvement. Among 3 factors which were organizational structure and processes, brand architecture, and brand identity, the organizational structure and processes got the highest mark.
(2) Elementary school brand marketing got an above average mark; therefore, there was room for improvement. Among 5 factors which were product, price, place, promotion, and interactive marketing, the interactive marketing got the highest mark.
(3) Elementary school brand equity got an above average mark; therefore, there was room for improvement. Among 5 factors which were brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand associations, and brand assets, the perceived quality got the highest mark.
2. Under different backgrounds, the differences among brand management, brand marketing, and brand equity
(1) Under different backgrounds, in terms of the marks which brand management got : there were significant differences among characteristics of kindergarten, size of kindergarten, and educational background; however, there was no significant difference among gender, age, history length of kindergarten, and present duty.
(2) Under different backgrounds, in terms of the marks which brand marketing got : there were significant differences among age, characteristics of kindergarten, size of kindergarten, present duty, and educational background; however, there was no significant difference between gender and history length of kindergarten.
(3) Under different backgrounds, in terms of the marks which teacher's brand equity got : there were significant differences among characteristics of kindergarten, size of kindergarten and history length of kindergarten; however, there was no significant difference among gender, age, present duty, and educational background.
3. The correlation among preschool institution's brand management, brand marketing, and brand equity
(1) There was a positive correlation between preschool institution's brand management and brand marketing; under the factor of brand marketing, the product got the highest degree of correlation.
(2) There was a positive correlation between preschool institution's brand management and brand equity; under the factor of brand equity, the brand awareness got the highest degree of correlation.
(3) There was a positive correlation between elementary school's brand marketing and brand equity; under the factor of brand equity, the perceived quality got the highest degree of correlation.
4. The prediction of preschool institution's brand management, brand marketing, and brand equity
(1) In terms of preschool institution's brand management to brand equity, 2 factors which were organizational structure and processes and brand identity had the best combined prediction; however, the organizational structure and processes had the best individual prediction.
(2) In terms of elementary school's brand marketing to brand equity, 4 factors which were product, interactive marketing, price, and promotion had the best combined prediction; however, the product had the best individual prediction.
Finally, based on the findings, some suggestions were proposed for education authorities and preschool institution's principals.
Key word: brand management, brand marketing, brand equity