
論文名稱: 台北縣國民小學校長教學領導與教師教學效能關係之研究
論文名稱: A Study of Relationship between Elementary School Principals’ Instructional Leadership and Teachers’
Teaching Effectiveness in Taipei County

 研究生: 林惠煌

指導教授: 陳木金博士 Mu-Jin Chen
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 國立台北師範學院
系所名稱: 國民教育研究所
學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 222

關鍵字: 校長教學領導 



五、不同服務年資、學校創校歷史之台北縣國民小學教育人員所知覺到的教師教學效能有 顯著差異;而不同性別、擔任職務、學歷、學校規模及學校所在地的台北縣國民小學教育人員所知覺到的教師教學效能並無顯著差異。
(一) 校長應致力專業發展,堅持教學領導的理念。
(二) 落實補救教學措施,提昇學生學習成效
(三) 廣開校務參與管道,建立職務輪調制度。
(四) 加強對資淺教師的輔導與協助,以提昇初任教師的教學成效
(五) 激發資深優良教師的熱忱,鼓勵其傳承優良教學技術。
(六) 校長應致力於提昇教師的專業品質與重視學生的學習成效
(一) 強化教師專業成長,提升教師教學效能。
(二) 教師應靈活教學策略,以提高學生的學習效果。


A Study of Relationship between Elementary School Principals’ Instructional Leadership and Teachers’Teaching Effectiveness in Taipei County

  The main purpose of this study was to (1) understand the current situation of elementary school teachers’ perceptions toward principals’ instructional leadership behaviors and teachers’ teaching effectiveness, (2) explore the perceptive differences between teachers from different backgrounds and principals on these two areas, (3) analyzing the relationships between principals’ instructional leadership behaviors and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. Besides, the researcher also intends to investigate whether principals’ instructional leadership behaviors of three different levels can influence teachers’ teaching effectiveness.
  In addition to the reviews of related literatures on principals’instructional leadership and teachers’ teaching effectiveness, the questionnaire was the main instrument for data collection. The instrument comprises two parts: Elementary School Principals’ Instruction Leadership Behaviors Scale and Elementary School Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness Scale. The samples included 61 principals, 107 school administrators, and 389 teachers from elementary schools of Taipei County. The returned data were analyzed statistically through mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-way
ANOVA, product-moment correlation analysis. The major results were summarized as following:
1. The overall situation about the perceptions of elementary school teachers of Taipei County toward principals’ instructional leadership behaviors is good.
2. The performance of some parts of principals’ leadership behaviors still needs improvement.
3. The overall situation about the perceptions of elementary school teachers of Taipei County toward teachers’ teaching efficiencies is good.
4. There were significant differences on the perceptions toward principals’ instructional leadership behaviors between elementary school teachers of Taipei County with different variables, such as gender, years of service, the job he/she was responsible for at school and the history of the school. 
  However, no significant difference was found while the variables, such as educational background, the size and the location of the school, were taken into consideration.
5. Significant differences were found on the part of elementary school teachers ’ perceived teachers’ teaching effectiveness, given the consideration of different years of service, the history of school; nonetheless, there was no
significant difference while the variables of gender, the job the teacher was responsible for, educational background, the size and location of the school were taken into consideration.
6. There was positive correlation existed between principals’ instructional leadership behavior and teachers’ teaching effectiveness.
7. Principals’ instructional leadership behavior did promote teachers’teaching effectiveness.
  Based on research results, this study proposes the following suggestions:
1. Educational authorities should (1) improve principal preparation courses; intensify principals’ knowledge of instructional leadership, especially the strengthening of skills. (2) establish the rotation system among schools in the same area for better usage of human resource.
2. Elementary school principals should (1) devote themselves to professional development, insist on the belief in
instructional leadership. (2) make sure the implementation of special aid instruction in order to
improve students’ learning achievements. (3) encourage teachers’ in-service training on campus in order to meet
teachers’ needs. (4) emphasize the counseling and assistances toward rookie teachers for the
progress of their teaching achievements. (5) motivate senior teachers’ enthusiasms to encourage passing on good
pedagogical techniques. (6) principals should endeavor to develop the teachers’ professional qualities and pay attention to students’ learning results.
3.Teachers should(1) promote teaching ability and teaching effectiveness. (2) apply different pedagogical techniques actively to improve students’ learning results. (3) identify with the instructional leadership and support principals’
instructional leadership.
4. Future studies should
(1) from research structure perspective: add different variables and try to have deeper investigation on other possible factors such as the organizational atmosphere of school, and teachers’ degrees of satisfaction toward the job. (2) from research sample perspective: enlarge the sample to all of the public and private elementary schools in other cities and counties. Furthermore, in order to have more profound results, the thoughts of staffs of educational administration, parents and students should be included. (3) from research method perspective: for compensating the deficits of questionnaire research, quality research methodology, for instance direct observation and interview, can be implemented to acquire combined quantity and quality research results.

Keyword: 1.Principals’ Instructional  Leadership

    2. Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness