論文名稱: 國民小學校園危機管理之研究-以台北市為例
研究生: 徐士雲
指導教授: 陳木金
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 國立台北師範學院
系所名稱: 國民教育研究所
名稱: 國民教育研究所
學號: 8889002
學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 180
關鍵字: 校園危機 school crisis
危機管理 crisis management
份問卷,實得有效樣本為554份,所得資料以SPSS for Windows 8.0統計套裝軟體進行分析
一、 國民小學在危機預防與準備的現況上,以加強環境設備以從事危機預防與準備最受教
二、 國民小學在危機預防與準備的五個向度之表現上:在計畫組織方面,以設有危機處理
三、 國民小學在危機處理的現況上,以領導與支持在危機處理上最受教育人員的認知與肯
四、 國民小學在危機處理的四個向度之表現上:在組織運作方面,以學校危機處理人員對
(一) 定期舉辦教育人員校園危機預防與準備的研習活動,以增進學校行政人員與教師有
(二) 逐步建立學校行政業務由專任行政人員擔任之制度。
(一) 建議國民小學考量學校教育人員背景與學校環境的特性,採行適當的危機預防與準
(二) 適當調整學校教師輪流擔任學校行政工作,以增加教師在危機預防與準備之經驗,
(三) 學校危機預防與準備之工作,能加強法律諮詢的設置,使學校在進行危機管理工作
(四) 在危機預防與準備上,藉由環境設備的健全,加強校園安全的維護。
(一) 資淺教師與學歷較低教師能與有經驗教師互動交流,並多參加研習活動。
(二) 教師應對危機管理有較多之體認,能給予學生危機預防與準備的觀念。
The purpose of this research is to discuss the theory and real practice of “
Crisis Management”. We took elementary schools as our research samples and
investigated the correlation between theory and real practice. Based on this
research, we provided suggestions for elementary schools to further employ the
“Crisis Management” theory.
This research in mainly based on documentary and questionnaire analyses.
Based on the results of documentary analysis, we designed a questionnaire to
investigate the performance and effectiveness of elementary schools when
employing “Crisis Management” concept. Our following conclusions and
recommendations reflected from these statistic result and documentary analysis.
To obtain statistic results, we took 72public elementary schools in the Taipei
City as our main samples. We issued 720questionnaires and obtained 554
effective samples from school staffs, including teachers, principals, and
administration staffs. Based on the above samples and the software of SPSS
for windows 8.0 we ran a series of statistics analysis, including mean,
percentage, T-test, ANOVA, MANOVA, canonical etc, to come out with the
following conclusions:
1. Concerning crisis prevention and preparation status quo by primary schools,
it receives the most acknowledgement and recognition by educational personnel
to strengthen environmental equipments to engage in crisis prevention and
2. In the behavior of five aspects of crisis prevention and preparation by
primary schools: in the aspect of planning and organizing, the most is to
establish crisis handling team or emergency handling team; the least is to
formulate campus forbidden area control method. In the aspect of environmental
equipment, the most is to set up monitoring system or alarm system at
necessary locations or passages of school, the least is to set up warning sign
or locking in campus forbidden area (dead corner). In communication network,
the best situation is to set up emergency phone contact network, and the
lowest is to keep open and close relationship between the school and news
media. In the aspect of legal responsibility, when legal responsibility is
involved, it is relatively higher to face legal responsibility bravely, and
relatively insufficient in legal consultants or consultation experts in crisis
handling. In education and training, it is relatively more in consciousness
and action to seek for community resources for providing assistance, and the
least to hold teachers’ on-the-job training regularly or irregularly aiming
at different crisis situation.
3. Concerning the status quo of crisis handling by primary school, leadership
and support receive the most acknowledgement and recognition by educational
personnel in crisis handling.
4. For behavior on the four aspects in crisis handling by primary school: in
the aspect of organizational operation, the most is that school crisis
handling personnel provides proper comfort and assistance to victim’s
family. In the aspect of leading association, the most situation is that
school principal strives for family forgiveness and support actively when
crisis happens. In terms of public relationship, the best situation is that
the victim feels sincerity of the school in handling crisis. And in the
aspect of tracking counseling and guidance, it is relatively better to assist
teachers and students to handle sadness after the crisis.
5. Current primary school educational personnel’s behavior in crisis
prevention and preparation, and also crisis handling: in the aspect of crisis
prevention and preparation, male teachers, with relatively higher educational
background, relatively long service term, as principal or administrational
supervisor, and middle-scale schools have relatively better performance in
terms of crisis prevention and preparation. In the aspect of crisis handling,
male teachers, with relatively higher educational background, principal or
administrational supervisor, and middle-scale schools have relatively better
performance in crisis handling.
6. The relationship between crisis prevention, preparation and crisis handling
by primary schools shows significant correlation, which indicates that the
higher primary schools prepare for and prevent crisis, the better their
performance in crisis handling.
7. These current primary school educational personnel who received high score
in crisis prevention and preparation, their performance in campus crisis
handling is better than middle-score and low-score groups, and middle-score
group is better than low-score group, which indicates that it can improve
crisis handling performance to strengthen campus crisis prevention and
8. For the influence of primary school campus crisis prevention and preparation
on crisis handling, through typical correlated analysis, it can be known that
the less particular the school crisis prevention and preparation is in terms
of planning and organization, environmental equipment, communication network,
legal responsibility, education and training, the lower crisis handling
performance is in organizational operation, leadership and coordination,
public relationship, tracking and guidance.
According to the above conclusion, we provide following recommendations:
1. Recommendation for educational administration
a. Regularly organize “Crisis Management” seminars for school staffs and
help them to employ techniques regarding “Crisis Management”.
b. Establish the systems that fulltime administration staffs gradually run
administration work.
2. Recommendation for elementary schools
a. Each school should take its own approach to crisis prevention and
preparation on its unique teacher backgrounds and school environment.
b. Properly rotate teachers for administration work in order to enhance
teachers’ experiences in crisis prevention and preparation and to have more
knowledge on overall school’s performances.
c. Strengthen the establishment of legal consultation, so that it is easier
for schools to carry out crisis management.
d. Strengthen maintenance of campus safety through improving environmental
3. Recommendation for schoolteachers
a. Junior teacher should participate in and interact with teams that have
experienced teachers, and often take part in relate seminars and activities.
b. Teachers should have more knowledge on “crisis prevention and preparation
” concept and are able to improve their students the correct concept on “
crisis prevention and preparation”.
4. Recommendation for future studies
a. Regarding the methodology, use more qualitative analysis to enhance
research results and to reprove previous quantitative analysis.
b. Regarding the research structure, find out more characteristics about the
crisis concept in order to better understand how crisis management works.
c. Broaden the research subjects in order to have comprehensive understanding
on how school works on crisis management.