英文論文名稱:Study on the Relationships Among Leadership Behavior of Pricipal, Organizational
Culture of School, and Effectiveness in Taipei Public Elementary Schools.
研究生:張永欽 Yung-Ching, Chang
指導教授: 陳木金 博士
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 國立台北師範學院
系所名稱: 國民教育研究所
學號: 8881008
學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 275
關鍵字: 領導行為
Leadership Behavior
組織文化 Organizational Cuiture
學校效能 School Effectiveness
析,研究問卷的信度與效度;並以t考驗(students’ t-test)、單因子變異數分析(
one-way analysis of variance)、多元迴歸分析(multiple regression analysis)、
雪費事後比較(Scheffe method)等統計方法進行分析,並得到以下數項結論:
Study on the Relationships Among Leadership Behavior of Principal,
Organizational Culture of School, and School Effectiveness in Taipei Public
Elementary Schools.
A Thesis for the Master Degree of Education
Yung-Ching, Chang
This research is going to discuss leadership behavior of principal,
organizational culture of school, and actual situation of school effectiveness
and the differences and prediction of each variable to faculty population
variable, school background variable to leadership behavior of principal,
organizational culture of school, and school effectiveness.
This research studies on the faculty of public elementary schools in
Taipei, excluding private elementary schools. Using ” survey of leadership
behavior of elementary school principal, organizational culture of school,
school effectiveness” as a tool, this survey is divided into 4 parts—basic
information, organizational culture of school questionnaire, leadership
behavior of principal questionnaire, school effectiveness questionnaire,
providing good credibility.
This survey has 676 samples of people, and received 529 effective samples
in 539 samples. It studies the reliability and validity of the test by factor
analysis, reliability analysis, and analyzes with students’ t- test, one-way
analysis of variance, multiple regression analysis, and scheffe’ method.
There are several conclusions:
1.Municipal elementary school principals’ leadership behaviors are of high
degree. It is better to lead with care and high initiating structure, giving
members respect and affirmation of school goal.
2.Municipal elementary schools have high degree of organizational culture of
school and the highest points in orientation of basic assumption, i.e. the
faculty of municipal elementary school has better awareness of educational
belief, educational philosophy, and educational attitude. However, it only
gets 62.8 points of average degree, i.e. it has lower awareness of school
history, ceremonial rituals, common gestures, slogans, school imitations, and
3.Municipal elementary schools have good effectiveness on high degree but have
poor mutual communication with parents.
4.Different background variable, the faculty has distinctive differences on
leadership behavior of principal; Official post, school history, but has no
differences on gender and wages.
5.Different background variable, the faculty has distinctive differences on
the seniority and official post of the organizational culture of school, but
has no differences on gender, the scale of school, and school history.
6.Different background variable, the faculty has distinctive differences on
wages, present official post, and school history of school effectiveness, but
has no differences on gender and the scale of school.
7.That the faculty of municipal elementary school is aware of different
degrees of organizational culture of school has distinctive differences on
school effectiveness. The higher points it gets on the scale of organizational
culture of school, the higher points it gets on school effectiveness and
8.That the faculty of municipal elementary school is aware of different
degrees of caring type principals’ leadership behavior has distinctive
differences. The higher points it gets on the scale of the scale of leadership
behavior of caring principals, the higher points it gets on school
effectiveness and orientation.
9.That the faculty of municipal elementary school is aware of different
degrees of initiating principals’ has distinctive differences. The higher
points it gets on the scale of leadership behavior of initiating principals,
the higher points it gets on school effectiveness and orientation.
10.That the faculty of municipal elementary school is aware of different
degrees of leadership behavior of principals and organizational culture of
school has positive prediction objective on whole school effectiveness and
orientation. On school effectiveness prediction of orientation, common values
get 3 best power of prediction, initiating leadership gets 2 best power of
prediction, and basic assumptions get 1 best power of prediction.
According to the conclusions, the researcher suggests as follows:
A.suggestions to education administration:
1.Choose employment-waiting principal with high degree of leadership behavior
to improve the quality of organizational culture of school and good school
2.Establish further study system to lead principals to study advanced
leadership knowledge and to realize organizational
culture of school and to progress school toward excellence and delicate.
3.Exactly implement “ small class, small school with ideal scale “to form
organizational culture mutual communication and to improve school effectiveness
B.suggestions to members of elementary school education:
1.About leadership behavior of principals, analyze the essence of leadership,
evaluate personal traits and comment leadership style to check the types of
principals’ leadership behavior.
2.About organizational culture of school, administration of elementary school
should profoundly study the temperament and essence of organizational culture
of school , to form organizational culture of school with high quality.
3.Administration of elementary school should take action to combine with
community, reinforce the communication with parents, and establish community
school to improve school effectiveness.
4.Elementary school principals study the leadership behavior of big school to
improve school effectiveness.
5.Elementary school principals and administration improve the effectiveness
schools with long history.
6.Elementary school principals encourage teachers to participate in school
affairs and administrative work.