
8-1119研究生: 那昇華

指導教授:陳木金 教授
學位類別: 博士
校院名稱: 國立台北教育大學
系所名稱: 教政所
語文別: 中文



本 本研究旨在瞭解基隆市國民小學智慧資本、社會資本與教師專業發展之現況,探討其關係,並依研究結果提出相關建議。首先,就文獻探討作為架構本研究之理論基礎與發展研究之工具;其次,以問卷調查360位國民小學教師,以分析現況;最後,依據研究結果進行討論,做成結論與建議提供參考。本研究主要發現,說明如下:

(一)國民小學智慧資本其整體、分向度得分均為中上,其中以顧客資本之得分最 高。
(三)國民小學教師專業發展其整體、分向度得分均為中上與高,其中以課程設計 與教學之得分最高。

(一)本研究發現,國民小學智慧資本會因為性別、最高學歷、服務年資、學校規 模及學校歷史等方面,有顯著差異;在年齡及擔任職務等方面,無顯著差異。
(二)本研究發現,國民小學社會資本會因為性別、學校規模而有顯著差異;在年 齡、最高學歷、服務年資、擔任職務及學校歷史等方面,無顯著差異。
(三)本研究發現,國民小學教師專業發展會因為性別而有顯著差異;在年齡、最 高學歷、服務年資、擔任職務、學校規模與學校歷史等方面,無顯著差異。

(一)整體國民小學智慧資本與社會資本之間呈現正相關,其中以國民小學智慧資 本總量表與信念之相關程度最高。
(二)整體國民小學智慧資本與教師專業發展之間呈現正相關,其中以國民小學智 慧資本總量表與班級經營與輔導之相關程度最高。
(三)整體國民小學社會資本與教師專業發展之間呈現正相關,其中以國民小學社 會資本總量表與班級經營與輔導之相關程度最高。

(一)國民小學智慧資本之顧客資本、創新資本、人力資本與流程資本對整體教師 專業發展具有正向顯著之預測力。
(二)國民小學社會資本之信念、信任與規範對整體教師專業發展具有正向顯著之 預測力。
(三)國民小學智慧資本與社會資本之信念、顧客資本、創新資本與人力資本對整 體教師專業發展具有正向顯著之預測力。




The Study of Relationships among Intellectual Capital, Social Capital, and Teacher Professional Development at Elementary Schools in Keelung City

This The main purposes of this study are to investigate the current situations and contents of the school intellectual capital, social capital, and teachers' professional development at elementary schools in Keelung City. Besides, the suggestions are given according to the results of this study.

During the first stage of this study, the research began with literature review. This stage was to construct a theoretical basis for this study. In the second stage, data were collected from 360 elementary school administrators in Keelung City. The results of the survey are analyzed and compared with previous research. Finally, the results are discussed and the suggestions are made for future study. The main findings are as follows:

1.The current situations and contents of the school intellectual capital, social capital and teachers' professional development in elementary schools.
(1)The current situation of the intellectual capital in elementary schools works well, especially in the dimension of “customer capital”.
(2)The current situation of the social capital in elementary schools works well, especially in the dimension of “network”.
(3)The current situation of the teachers' professional development in elementary schools works well, especially in the dimension of “course design and teaching”.

2.The different background variables in the school intellectual capital, social capital and teachers' professional development.
(1)The aspect of different background variables in the school intellectual capital: significance is shown in the variables of gender, academic background, seniority, school size and school history; no differece is demonstrated in age and position in school.
(2)The aspect of different background variables in the school social capital: significance is shown in the variables of gender and school size; no differece is demonstrated in age, academic background, seniority, position in school and school history.
(3)The aspect of different background variables in the teachers' professional development:significance is shown in the variables of gender; no differece is demonstrated in age, academic background, seniority, position in school, school size and school history.

3.The relation among the school intellectual capital, social capital and teachers' professional development.
(1)The overall results show that there is a positive between the school intellectual capital and social capital. The correlation between each variable is averagely significant with the highest score in “beliefs “.
(2)The overall results show that there is a positive between the school intellectual capital and teachers' professional development. The correlation between each variable is averagely significant with the highest score in “classroom management and guide“.
(3)The overall results show that there is a positive between the school social capital and teachers' professional development. The correlation between each variable is averagely significant with the highest score in “classroom management and guide“.

4.Prediction of teachers' professional development by way of school intellectual capital and social capital
(1)Customer capital, innovation capital, human capital and process capital have significance in predicting teachers' professional development.
(2)Beliefs, trustworthiness and norms have significance in predicting teachers' professional development.
(3)Beliefs, Customer capital, innovation capital and human capital have significance in predicting teachers' professional development.

In conclusion, based on the findings and results, suggestions are provided for educational administrative institutions, elementary schools, the teachers of
elementary schools and future study.

Keywords: intellectual capital, social capital, teachers' professional development


intellectual capital social capital teachers' professional development

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Last Update, 14, May, 2015Since 20 Mar, 2003 網站維護者:陳木金 政大陳木金教授部落格



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