
8-104研究生:文超順 (Wen Chao Shun)

指導教授: 陳木金 博士
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 國立台北師範學院
系所名稱: 國民教育研究所
學號: 8889012
學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 205  



一、 宜蘭縣政府所制定之校長遴選規準,於校長遴選作業之前,遴選委員未全體了解。
二、 宜蘭縣政府制定之校長遴選規準,遴選委員於遴選作業時,並未全體遵循運用。
三、 遴選委員認為應在國民中小學校長遴選作業前,建構校長遴選規準。
四、 遴選委員認為校長遴選規準應該因校制宜。
五、 問卷調查中,遴選委員對於建構校長遴選規準因素意見尚屬一致。
六、 遴選委員對於建構校長遴選規準的意見,深受所屬團體價值觀的影響。
七、 校長遴選作業現場觀察與訪談資料中,校長遴選規準呈現正負面項目。
八、 應將校長遴選規準公告,讓所有候聘校長了解。
九、 將遴選規準表格化或書面化,提供遴選委員作為投票依據或參考,均獲得遴選委員認。


The goal of this research paper is to evaluate the criteria of the junior high
school and elementary school principal selection, and to understand how the
selection-committee works. At the same time, I would like to collect the
committeemen's opinion about constructing and manipulating the selection
criteria in order to build up a reasonable path for the selection, as well as
to bring the criteria into full play.
Because of the subjectivity of the principal-selection criteria, I take the
principal-selection committee of I-Lan County as my research target. I adopt
the methods of participant observation, interview, and questionnaire to survey
the committeemen of I-Lan County in the year 2000. The data will be analyzed
and generalized by the way of statistics and qualitative inquiry, and my
conclusions are as follows:
1.  The principal-selection criteria, which are instituted by the I-Lan
government, are not fully understood by the committee when put into practice.
2.  Not all the members of the committee adopt the criteria during the
3.  The committee thinks that it is necessary to construct the criteria
before the selection.
4.  The committee thinks that the criteria should be flexible due to the
different situation of different schools.
5.  In the questionnaire, the members of the committee show the identical
opinion about the elements that construct the selection-criteria.
6.  Committeemen's opinions about the criteria are deeply influenced by
their team values.
7.  It shows both positive and negative sides of the criteria in the data of
participant observation and interview.
8.  The selection-criteria should be announced to the public in order to make
all the candidates understand.
9.  All the members of committee agree that the criteria should be turned
into lists or written documents, and the committee can consult the criteria
when they make the decision. However, when it comes to a real selection, only
one of the list or documentary form can be chosen.



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