論文指導 (Thesis Directed) :

博士論文 (Dissertation)

1.          葉秋杏. 2017/07. The Emergence of Epistemicity and Subjectification: A Cognitive-Pragmatic Approach of Modality Disjuncts in Taiwan Hakka. [認知情態義與主觀性之浮現:臺灣客語評注性情態副詞的認知語用觀點研究] 本論文獲行政院國家科學委員會102年度獎勵人文與社會科學領域博士候選人撰寫博士論文獎助)

2.          劉曉蒨. 2017/07. Taiwan Hakka go55 Constructions: A Structural, Semantic and Phonetic Integrated Analysis. [臺灣客語「過」構式:結構、語義與語音綜合分析] 本論文獲行政院國家科學委員會103年度獎勵人文與社會科學領域博士候選人撰寫博士論文獎助)

3.          李詩敏. 2015/07. Aspectual constructions in Taiwanese Hakka: A Lexical-Constructional Approach. [臺灣客語時貌構式] 本論文獲行政院國家科學委員會100年度獎勵人文與社會科學領域博士候選人撰寫博士論文獎助)

4.          陳怡蓁. 2011/10. The effects of teaching EFL learners metaphor and metonymy : With reference to emotion expressions. [隱喻及轉喻對英語為外語學習者之教學成效:以情緖語言為例]

5.         強舒媺. 2009/06. Event Conception and Argument Realizations of Hakka Potential Complement Constructions: Integration of Cognitive-Constructional Models. [客語潛能構式之事件概念與論元體現:認知模型與構式語法之整合]98年度行政院客委會客家研究優良博士論文獎助)


碩士論文 (Thesis)

1.          蔡宛玲. 2017/06. A Structural and Semantic Analysis of the Polysemous Verb PAO in Mandarin Chinese. [漢語多義詞「跑」之結構及語意分析]

2.          許筱翎. 2017/06. Word Component Structures, Meaning Distribution and Lexicalization: Linguistic Usages Containing Body-Part Terms liǎn / miàn, yǎn / and zuǐ / kǒu in Taiwan Mandarin. [從語料庫看台灣華語身體部位詞詞彙的詞彙結構、語意表現及詞彙化]

3.          胡雪瀅. 2017/06. Degree Intensifiers in Taiwan Hakka: A Study Based on a Spoken Corpus. [臺灣客語強化程度副詞之分析:以口語語料庫為本]

4.          陳奕蓁. 2016/09. Metaphorical Use of War-Related Verbs in Newspapers. [戰爭動詞在報紙媒體上的隱喻使用]

5.          王勻芊. 2016/07. The Construction, Archives and Application of Spoken Corpus: A Case Study of The NCCU Corpus of Spoken Hakka in Taiwan. [口語語料庫之建置典藏與應用:以臺灣客語口語語料庫為例]

6.          厲亞敏. 2016/03. A Syntax-semantic Analysis of Aspect Marker ZHE in Aspectual Classification of Mandarin Chinese Verbs.[時貌標記「著」在漢語動詞時貌分類體系中的句法語意表現]

7.          陳怡婷. 2015/07. Near-Synonyms of Transaction Words in Mandarin Chinese: An Investigation of their Collocation and Semantic Prosody. [近義詞「買賣」、「交易」、「貿易」的共現與語意韻律研究]

8.          徐韶君. 2015/02. Metaphor in Hakka Animal Proverbs. [客家動物諺語的隱喻表現]

9.          陳妍儒.  2014/12. The Syntactic and Semantic Analysis of Hěn X Constructions in Spoken Copora. [「很X」構式在口語語料之句法語意分析]

10.      陳英智. 2013/06. The spatial and temporal functions of zai4 constructions in Taiwan Mandarin: analyses and applications. [臺灣華語「在」構式的時空用法分析與應用]

11.      呂淑禎. 2012/07. Semantic extensions of the color terms, black and white, in Taiwanese Mandarin, Taiwanese Hakka and Taiwanese Southern Min. [顔色詞「黑/烏」與「白」在台灣華語、台灣客語以及台灣閩南語語意延伸之比較]

12.      曾柏溫. 2012/07. On the Grammaticalization of Taiwan Mandarin [gei wo], Taiwan Southern Min [ka gua], and Taiwan Hakka [lau ngai] constructions. [論台灣華語 [gei wo]、台灣閩南語 [ka gua]、及台灣客語 [lau ngai]句式的語法化]

13.      彭曉貞. 2011/07. Classifier/Measure word proverbial expressions in Taiwanese Hakka: metaphor and metonymy. [台灣客語分類詞諺語:隱喻與轉喻之應用]100年度行政院客委會客家研究優良碩士論文獎助)

14.      葉秋杏. 2008/06. A family of da2 'hit' constructions in Hakka: An inspection of argument realization and transitivity. [客語「打」字構式群:論元體現與及物性之檢測] 97年度行政院客委會客家研究優良碩士論文獎助)

15.      廖珮筠. 2007/06. Verbs of removal in Hakka: Integration of verbal meanings and constructions. [從動詞意義和結構的整合分析客語移除類動詞] 96年度行政院客委會客家研究優良碩士論文獎助)

16.      羅婉君. 2007/06. Piong3 'put' and its congeners in Hakka: Frames and constructions. [客語「放」及其同類動詞:框架語義與構式之互動] 96年度行政院客委會客家研究優良碩士論文獎助)

17.      馮美齡. 2005/06. BA/BEI...DE Constructions as a Family of Resultative Constructions: A Constructional-Conceptual Perspective. [從格式概念的角度檢視把/...得字句結果語意的呈現]

18.      高惠珊. 2005/06. Lexical Manifestation of Human Thinking Process in Mandarin: A Metaphoric and Metonymic Account. [從隱喻與轉喻的觀點看人類思考過程的中文辭彙體現]

19.      王信斌. 2004/06. Cognitive-Semantic Mechanisms Behind Heart Idioms. [英文中 “Heart” 成語之認知語意機制]

20.      陳宜伶. 2004/06. Two-part Allegorical Sayings Xie-hou-yu in Taiwanese Southern Min: A Cognitive Semantic Analysis. [台閩語歇後語: 認知語意學之分析]

21.      強舒媺. 2003/06. Force-Dynamic Manifestation of Verbs of Hitting, Refraining, and Urging in Hakka. [客語打類、忍類及促類動詞中動力學之體現] (92年度國科會碩士論文獎)(92年度行政院客委會客家研究優良碩士論文獎助)

22.      李美芳. 2003/06. Taking Care of Take : Frame and Constructions. [從語意架構和構造語法的觀點分析英語多義詞 Take]

23.      林素朱. 2001/06. On Semantic Relatedness of the Mandarin Polysemous Word Chu. [中文多義詞「出」字之語義探討]

24.      張清秀. 2001/06. Semantic Analysis on the Modal Verb "Hui" in Mandarin Chinese. [中文情態詞「會」之語意分析]

25.      陳如慧. 2000/07. From Possession to Aspect --- Evidence from Hakka Yu Constructions. [從領屬到時貌--客語有字句之研究]


科技部大專生研究計畫 (College Student Participation in Research Projects, MOST)

1.       陳冠郡.  2016.07-2017.02. Multilingual Education as an Approach to Sustain Endangered Languages in Taiwan: A Case Study. (105-2815-C-004-020-H) (本研究計畫獲105年度大專學生研究創作獎)

2.       樊毓. 2015.07.01-2016.02. Exploring Endophoric Functions of Proximal Demonstratives Zhe- in Spoken Mandarin and Ko- in Spoken Japanese (104-2815-C-004-015-H) (本研究計畫獲104年度大專學生研究創作獎)

3.       胡雪瀅. 2014.07-2015.02. Exploring CFL Learners' Cohesive Devices and Code-Switching in Telling Frog Story. (103-2815-C-004-034-H)