胡昌亞 Changya
Hu changya@nccu.edu.tw
學歷 (Education)
? 美國喬治亞大學心理學博士 (University of Georgia, Dept. of Psychology, Ph.D. 2003)
經歷 (Experiences)
? 國立政治大學企業管理學系教授 (2011/8 - present)
Full Professor, Dept. of
Business Administration, National Chengchi University
? 國立政治大學企業管理學系副教授 (2008/8 – 2011/07)
Associate Professor, Dept.
of Business Administration, National Chengchi
? 國立臺灣科技大學企業管理學系副教授 (2007/8 - 2008/7)
Associate Professor, Dept.
of Business Administration, National Taiwan University of Science and
? 國立臺灣科技大學企業管理學系助理教授 (2004/2 - 2007/7)
Assistant Professor, Dept.
of Business Administration, National Taiwan University of Science and
? 國立中央大學企業管理學系助理教授 (2003/8 - 2004/1)
Assistant Professor, Dept.
of Business Administration, National Central University
教學領域與研究興趣 (Teaching and Research Interests)
? 組織行為 (Organizational Behavior)
? 領導與激勵 (Leadership and Motivation)
? 人力資源管理(Human Resource Management)
? 測量方法 (Measurement Methodology)
? 員工意見/調查 (Employee Satisfaction Survey)
? 組織氣候調查
(Organizational Climate Survey)
教學資源 (Teaching Resources)
? 組織行為研究工作坊- 補充資料
? 破解統計與研究方法的15個迷思:組織與社會科學研究中的謠言與真相 (胡昌亞 審譯)
研究成果 (Research)
Journal Publication
Chuang, Y.T, Church, R. & Hu, C (in press). Effects of
movements and opportunities on the adoptions of same sex partner health benefit
by corporations. Journal of Management. (國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域第一級學術期刊) (SSCI, Impact Factor = 6.051 in 2016)
Wen, P., Chen, C. & Hu, C. (2017). Role of formal mentoring in
protégés’ work-to-family conflict: A double-edged sword. Journal of Vocational Behavior,100, 101-110. (國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域第一級學術期刊) (SSCI, Impact Factor = 2.764 in 2016)
Hu, C., Wang, S., Wang, Y. H.*, Chen, C., &
Jiang, D.-Y. (2016). Understanding attraction in formal mentoring relationships
from an affective perspective. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 94, 104-113. (國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域第一級學術期刊)( MOST 104-2420-H-004-006-MY2) (SSCI, Impact Factor = 2.588 in 2014)
Vogel, R. M., Mitchell, M. S., Tepper,
B. J., Restubog, S., Hu, C., Hua, W., & Huang,
J.C (2015). A cross-cultural examination of subordinates’ perceptions of and
reactions to abusive supervision. Journal of Organizational
Behavior, 36, 720-745.
(國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域第一級學術期刊) (SSCI, Impact Factor = 3.262 in 2013)
6. Wang, Y. H., Hu, C.*, Hurst, C. S., Yang, C.
-C. (2014). Antecedents and outcomes of career plateaus: The roles of mentoring
others and proactive personality. Journal of Vocational
Behavior,85, 319-228.
(國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域第一級學術期刊)(NSC 102-2918-I-004-002)(SSCI, Impact Factor = 2.033 in 2013)
7. Hu, C., Baranik, L.E., Wu, T. -Y. (2014). Antidotes to dissimilar mentor-protégé dyads. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85, 219-227. (國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域第一級學術期刊) (NSC 100-2410-H-004 -110-MY3) (SSCI, Impact Factor = 2.033 in 2013)
(2014) 。不當督導研究的回顧與前瞻。中華心理學刊。56, 191-214 。(TSSCI)
C., & Cheng Y. –N. (2014). Abusive supervision: Retrospect and prospect. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 56,
191-214. (TSSCI) (In Chinese).
9. Wu, T.-Y., Lee, S.-J., Hu, C., & Yang, C.-C. (2014). When supervisors perceive non-work support: Test of a trickle-down model. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 148, 215-251. (SSCI, Impact Factor = 0.899 in 2011)
10. Hu, C., Wang, S.*, Yang, C. C., & Wu, T. -Y. (2014). When mentors
feel supported: Relationships with mentoring functions and protégés’ perceived
organizational support. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 22-37.
(SSCI Impact Factor 2012= 3.584). (國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域第一級學術期刊)(NSC 98-2410-H-004 -073)
11. 王豫萱、胡昌亞
(2013) 。再探組織認同之本質:2002 ~ 2012 之研究回顧與前瞻。人力資源管理學報。13,
Wang, Y. H &
Hu, C. (2013). Revisiting to the nature and theory of organizational
identification: A review and redirection from 2002 to 2012. Journal of Human Resource Management, 13, 107-137. (In Chinese)
12. Yang, C. -C., Hu, C.*, Baranik, L. E., &
Lin, C.-Y. (2013). Can protégés be
successfully socialized without socialized mentors? A close look at mentorship
formality. Journal of Career Development, 40, 408-423. (SSCI Impact Factor 2011= 1.522)
13. Wu, T. -Y., Hu, C., & Yang, C. C. (2013). Abusive supervision and
workload demands from supervisors: Exploring two types of supervisor-related
stressors and their association with strain. Stress and Health, 29,
190-198 (SSCI Impact Factor 2011= 1.229)
14. 鄭瑩妮、胡昌亞*、簡世文
Cheng, Y. N., Hu, C.*, & Chien,
S.-W. (2013). Mentoring functions and protégé knowledge sharing. International Journal of Commerce and
Strategy, 5, 37-56. (In Chinese)
15. Wu, T. -Y & Hu, C. (2013). Abusive supervision and subordinate
emotional labor: The moderating role of openness personality. Journal of
Applied Social Psychology, 43, 956-970.
(SSCI Impact Factor 2009= 0.772) (國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域推薦學術期刊)
16. Wu, T. -Y., Hu, C., & Jiang, D. -Y. (2012). Is subordinate’s loyalty
a precondition of supervisor’s benevolent leadership? The moderating effects of
supervisor’s altruistic personality and perceived organizational support. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 15,
145-155. (SSCI Impact Factor 2010=
17. 葉穎蓉、胡昌亞(2011)。檢視職業承諾對於心理契約違反的影響。交大管理學報。31,
8-38 (TSSCI) (國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域推薦學術期刊)
Yeh, Y. Y., & Hu, C. (2011). Examining the
moderating effect of occupational commitment on contract breach-job stress
relations. Chiao Da Mangement
Review, 31, 8-38. (In Chinese)
18. 黃瑞傑、王豫萱*、胡昌亞(2011)。羅氏工作成癮測驗中文版心理計量特質之檢驗。測驗學刊。58, 665-690 。(TSSCI)
Huang, J.-C., Wang, Y. H.*, & Hu, C. (2011). Psychometric properties of the
Chinese version of Robinson's Work Addition Risk Test. Psychological Testing, 58, 108-133. (In Chinese)
19. Hu, C., Pellegrini*, E. K., & Scandura, T. A. (2011). Measurement invariance in mentoring
research: A cross-cultural examination across Taiwan and the U.S. Journal of
Vocational Behavior, 78, 274-282.
(SSCI, Impact Factor 2009 = 1.835) (國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域第一級學術期刊) (NSC 96-2416-H-004-048-MY2)
20. Hu, C., Wu, T. -Y., & Wang, Y. H. (2011).
Measurement equivalence/invariance of the abusive supervision measure across
workers from Taiwan and the United States. The Journal of Psychology:
Interdisciplinary and Applied, 145, 111-131. (SSCI Impact Factor 2010=
21. Huang, J.-C., Hu, C.*, & Wu, T.-C.
(2010). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Workaholism Battery. The Journal of Psychology:
Interdisciplinary and Applied, 144, 163-183. (SSCI Impact Factor 2008=
22. Tepper, B.
J., Carr, J. C., Breaux, D. M., Geider, S., Hu, C.,
& Hua, W. (2009). Abusive supervision, intentions to quit, and employees'
workplace deviance: A power/dependence analysis. Organizational Behavior and
Human Decision Processes, 109, 156-167. (SSCI Impact Factor 2008= 2.740) (國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域第一級學術期刊)
23. Luor, T.,
Hu, C., & Lu, H.-P. (2009). "Mind the gap": An empirical study of
the gap between intention and actual usage of corporate E-learning programmes in the financial industry. British Journal of
Educational Technology, 40, 713-732. (SSCI Impact Factor 2008 = 1.041)
24. Wu, T. -Y., & Hu, C. (2009). Abusive
supervision and employee emotional exhaustion. Group and Organization
Management, 43, 143-169. (SSCI Impact Factor 2008 = 2.000) (國科會組織與管理領域推薦學術期刊)
25. Hu, C., Thomas, K. M., & Lance, C. E.
(2008). Intentions to initiate mentoring relationships: Understanding the
impact of race, proactivity, feelings of deprivation, and relationship roles. Journal
of Social Psychology, 148, 727-744. (SSCI Impact Factor 2007= 0.860)
26. Hu, C. (2008). Analyses of measurement
equivalence across gender in the Mentoring Functions Questionnaire (MFQ-9). Personality
and Individual Differences, 45, 199-205. (SSCI Impact Factor 2007= 1.400)
(NSC 95-2416-H-011-002)
27. Baranik, L.
E., Meade, A. W., Lakey, C. E., Lance, C. E., Hu, C.,
Hau, W., et al. (2008). Examining differential item
functioning of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale across eight countries. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38,
1867-1904. (SSCI Impact Factor 2007= 0.657) (國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域推薦學術期刊)
28. Hu, C., Wang, J.-C., Sun, M.-H., & Chen,
H.-H. (2008). Formal mentoring in military academies. Military Psychology, 20,
171-185. (SSCI Impact Factor 2007 = 0.543)
29. Chen, Y.-C., Tsai, W.-C., & Hu, C.
(2008). The influences of interviewer-related and situational factors on
interviewer reactions to high structured job interviews. International
Journal of Human Resource Management, 19, 1056-1071. (SSCI Impact
Factor 2007 = 0.546) (國科會管理一學門組織與管理領域推薦學術期刊)
30. Chien,
S.-W., Hu, C., Reimers, K., & Lin, J.-S. (2007).
The Influence of centrifugal and centripetal forces on ERP project success in
small and medium-sized enterprises in China and Taiwan. International
Journal of Production Economics, 107, 380-396. (SCI Impact Factor 2007 =
0.995) (NSC 95-2416-H-251-015)
31. Hu, C., Su, H. -C., & Chen, C.-I. B.
(2007). The effect of person-organization fit feedback via recruitment Web
sites on applicant attraction. Computers in Human Behavior, 23,
2509-2523. (SSCI Impact Factor 2007 = 1.344) (NSC 93-2416-H-011-015)
32. Thomas, K. M., Hu, C., Gerwin,
A. D., Bingham, K. L., & Yanchus, N. J. (2005).
The roles of prot_g_ race, gender, and proactive socialization attempts on peer
mentoring. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 7, 540-555.
Presentation & Conference Papers (2005 to present)
1. Hu,
C., Wang, S., Wang, Y. H.*, Chen, C., & Jiang, D.-Y. (2016, August).
Understanding attraction in formal mentoring relationships from an affective
perspective. Paper accepted for
presentation at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim,, CA,
2. Hu,
C., Wang, S., Hu, C., Noe, R. A., & Wang, Z. M. (2016, August). An examination of the role of prot_g_ information seeking in
formal mentoring. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the
Academy of Management, Anaheim,, CA, USA.
3. Jiang, D. –Y., Hu, C., Cheng,
B. –C., & Wu, H.-C. (2015, August). Seeing
eye to eye in supervisor-subordinate dyads? A Balance Theory perspective of
relationships among supervisors’ organizational commitment, subordinates’
organizational commitment, and subordinates’ Commitment to Supervisor. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of
Management, Vancouver, Canada.
4. Cheng, Y.-N.,
Hu, C., Magraw-Mickelson, A. Z., Huang, Y.-H., &
Wang, C.-Y. (2014, July). Factors that
contribute to subordinate’ deviance in abusive supervision situation. Paper
presented at the 22nd annual meeting of the International Association for
Cross-Cultural Psychology Conference, Reims, France
5. Vogel, R. M., Mitchell, M. S.,
Tepper, B. J., Restubog, S.
L. D., Hu, C., & Hua, Wei. (2012, August). A cross-cultural examination of abusive supervision. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of
Management, Boston, MA, USA
6. Hu, C., Yu, Y –C, Wang, Y. H.,
& Huang, J. C. (2012, August). Knowledge
sharing and creation in mentorship: A social cognitive perspective. Poster
presented at the 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological
Association, Orlando, FL, USA.
7. Hu, C., Cheng, Y. N., Baranik,
L. E. & Yang, C. C. (2012, April). Mentor knowledge sharing and prot_g_
creative behavior: Does traditionality matter? Paper presented at the
annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
San Diego, CA, USA
8. Wang, Y. H., Hu, C., & Yang, C. C. (2011, August). Antecedents and outcomes of career plateau:
The roles of mentoring others and proactive personality. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas, USA
9. Hu, C., Cheng, Y. N., & Chien, S. W.
(2011, July). Mentor functions and
prot_g_ knowledge sharing. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Regional
Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
10. Yang, C. C. & Hu, C.
(2011, July). Mentoring as a means that
mentors socialize
prot_g_s. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for
Cross-Cultural Psychology Regional Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
11. Wang, S., Hu, C., & Wang, Z.-M. (2010, August). The role of
prot_g_ previous mentoring experience and information seeking. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada.
12. Wu, T. -Y., Hu, C., Yang, C. C., Wang, Y. H., Hsu, D. (2010,
August). When supervisors perceive non-work support: Test of a trickle-down
model. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Academy
of Management, Montreal, Canada.
13. Hu, C., Wang, Y. H., Huang, J.-C., & McMillan, L. M. W. (2010,
July). Measurement equivalence of the 15-item version of the Workaholism Battery across workers from the New Zealand and
Taiwan. Electronic poster presented at the 2010 International Congress of
Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
14. Hu, C., Wu, T.-Y., & Wang, Y. H. (2010, April). Mentoring
functions provided by supervisory mentors: An interactionist approach. Poster
presented at the annual conference of the Society of Industrial and
Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, GA, USA.
15. Hu, C., Chen, T. -Y., & Chen, C.-I. B. (2009, July). Congruence
between female applicants’ photo facial appearance and the job gender type and
smiling in the photo on recruiting decisions. Poster presented at the 11th
European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, Norway.
16. Huang, J. -C., Hu, C., & Wu, T. -C. (2009, April). Psychometric
properties of the Chinese version of the Workaholism Battery.
Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society of Industrial and
Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA, USA.
17. Hu, C. & Cheung, G. W. (2008, August). Eight general
questions on measurement equivalence/invariance that bother me most. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Nominated for the Sage/RMD Best Paper Award of the Research Methods
Division at the 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Best paper of the Research Methods Division at the 2008 Academy of Management
Annual Meeting.
18. Hu, C. & Wu, T. -Y. (2008, August). Measurement
equivalence/invariance of the abusive supervision measure across two countries.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA,
19. Wu, T. -Y., Hu, C., Lin, J. -H., & Hsu, Y. -W. (2008, August).
Poor leadership and job stress: The moderating effects of coworker support
and job characteristics. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, USA.
20. Hu, C. (2007, August). Mentoring functions, protege
attitude toward knowledge sharing and protege
knowledge sharing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of
Management, Philadelphia, PA, USA. (NSC 94-2416-H-011-010)
The Careers Division Best Applied Paper Award at the2007 Academy of
Management Annual Meeting
21. Hsu, W., & Hu, C. (2007, August). Supervisory communication
and employee outcomes: Examining the mediating processes. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
22. Wu, T. -Y. & Hu, C. (2007, August). Linking abusive
supervision, surface acting and deep acting, and subordinates’ well-Being.
Paper presentated at the annual meeting of the
Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, USA. (NSC 93-2416-H-011-015)
23. Chen, H. -H, & Hu, C. (2007, August). An examination of the
Similarity-Attraction Paradigm in mentoring relationships.
Paper presented at the 2007
convention, San Francisco, CA, USA. (NSC 94-2416-H-011-010)
24. Hu, C., Wu, T. -Y., & Lai, J. -H. (2007, April). Supervisor
dispositional characteristics and abusive supervision. Paper presented at
the annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational
Psychology, New York, NY, USA
25. Hu, C., Su, H. -C., & Chen, C. -I. B.
(2006, August). The effect of person-organization fit feedback on
recruitment Web sites on applicant attraction. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, USA. (NSC
26. Wu, T. -Y., & Hu, C. (2006, June). Abusive supervision and
emotional exhaustion: Dispositional antecedents and boundaries. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for Chinese
Management Research, Nanjing, PRC.
27. Chuang, A., & Hu, C. (2005, August). Latent growth models
of person-organization fit and person-job fit: Implications for HRM.,
Poster presented at the annual conference of the Academy of Management,
Honolulu, HI, USA.
研究計畫(Research Grants)
1. 2015.1-2016.12, Mentoring and organizational well-being (MOST
104-2420-H-004-006-MY2, 2-year grant)
2. 2014.8-2015.7, Examining the relationship between mentoring others and
career plateauing perceptions with cross-lagged models (MOST
2013.8-2014.7, Fit and Mentoring, Grant for
Conducting Research Abroad (NSC 102-2918-I-004-002).
2013.8-2014.7, Cognitive trust in
subordinate, power distance, and abusive supervision (NSC 102-2410-H-004
-154-SSS )
5. 2012.8-2013.7, Translation and annotation of classic readings
“Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome
(NSC 101-2410-H-004-191)
20011.8-20014.7, Emotions and mentorship: The
roles of emotional displays and emotional intelligence (NSC 100-2410-H-004 -110
-MY3, 3-year grant).
20011.8-20012.7, Theory building of mentoring
in Chinese organizations (NSC 100-2410-H-004-106).
2010.8-2011.7, Relational identification in
the workplace: A scale development study (NSC 99-2410-H-004-014).
2009.8-2010.7, The relationships between
mentors' altruism, perceived mentor-prot_g_ similarity and mentoring functions
prot_g_s received, (NSC 98-2410-H-004-073)
10. 2007.8-2009.7, Mentoring programs and organizational attraction (NSC
96-2416-H-011-003-MY2, 2-year grant)
2006.8-2007.7, The moderating roles of
relationship formality and duration on similarity effects in mentoring
relationships (NSC 95-2416-H-011-002).
12. 2005.8-2006.7, Antecedents and consequences of knowledge sharing in
mentoring relationships, (NSC 94-2416-H-011-010).
13. 2004.8-2005.7, Applicant attraction: Person-Job Fit and
Person-Organization Fit in the context of web-based recruitment through online
recruitment companies (NSC 93-2416-H-011-015).
? 國立政治大學 104 學年度研究優良獎
Outstanding Research Award of the
2015 Academic Year (National Chengchi University)
? 國立政治大學 103 學年度研究優良獎
Outstanding Research Award of the
2014 Academic Year (National Chengchi University)
? 傅爾布萊學者
(2013,7 -2014,6)
The Fulbright Visiting Scholar,
Portland State University (2013,7 -2014,6)
? 國立政治大學
101 學年度研究優良獎
Outstanding Research Award of the
2012 Academic Year (National Chengchi University)
? 國立政治大學商學院
Outstanding Teaching Award of the
2012 Academic Year (College of Commerce, National Chengchi
? 國立政治大學商學院 100學年度教學優良教師
Teaching Award of the 2011 Academic
Year (College of Commerce, National Chengchi
? 國立政治大學 99
Outstanding Advisor Award of the
2010 Academic Year (National Chengchi University)
? 國立政治大學商學院
98 學年度教學特優教師
Outstanding Teaching Award of the
2009 Academic Year (College of Commerce, National Chengchi
? 國立政治大學商學院
Teaching Award of the 2008 Academic
Year (College of Commerce, National Chengchi University)
? 2007 美國管理學年會職涯分會最佳實務論文獎
The Careers Division Best Applied
Paper Award, 2007 Academy of Management Annual Meeting